Today, Friday, March 7th, we celebrate and thank our incredible teachers and staff for their hard work and dedication. Your commitment to our scholars and schools makes a lasting impact every day. We appreciate all that you do!
Report cards will be available in Skyward on March 26th. Parents and guardians can log in to their Skyward Family Access account to view their child's grades and progress. If you need assistance accessing Skyward, please contact the school office.
Spring Break is just around the corner! There will be no school from March 10th-14th. We hope all our scholars and staff enjoy a well-deserved break filled with rest, fun, and sunshine! 🌸☀️
We look forward to welcoming everyone back, refreshed and ready to learn, on Monday, March 17th. See you then!
Don't forget! Daylight Saving Time begins on Sunday, March 9th. Remember to set your clocks forward one hour before bed on Saturday night. While we may lose an hour of sleep, we gain more daylight to enjoy!